Month: November 2015

Deep Learning – Simple installation guide for Theano on Windows

  Many tutorial videos for convolutional neural networks on youtube (e.g. require the theano python library. I spent an entire weekend figuring out how to install theano on a windows x64 machine and wanted to share the following quick installation steps: Its really simple if you know how! (I found that the official documentation

SQL Server 2016 (CTP3) R Integration

  This is how you get R Integration in SQL Server 2016 (CTP3): Create a SQL 2016 CTP3 VM in Azure Run SQL 2016 Setup and install “Advanced Analytics Extensions” Feature Download and install: Download and install: (only the 81.3 MB file) Run sp_configure ‘external scripts enabled’,1 in a SQL Query window to

Upload SQL Audit Data to Azure Blob Storage with SQL Server 2016 Integration Services Feature Pack

In SQL Server 2016 CTP 3 you can install additional SSIS Components:  These new building blocks are nice to upload your SQL Auditlogs to Azure Blobstorage: You can configure the SQL Auditing Specification to write Audit Files to a local Directory: And created a SSIS Package to iterate, upload and delete all the files

Purbacher Martiniloben – Shortest Path Problem

Jedes Jahr findet in meiner Heimtagemeinde das Martiniloben statt. Dabei öffnen insgesamt 15 Winzer ihre Kellertüren für zahlreiche Besucher. Bisher ist es vermutlich noch niemandem gelungen, alle Stationen zu besuchen. Um dieser Herausforderung Herr zu werden, reicht es nicht einfach nur trinkfest zu sein. Man braucht einen gut durchdachten und bestens optimierten Plan.   Tatsächlich