Deep Learning – Simple installation guide for Theano on Windows


Many tutorial videos for convolutional neural networks on youtube (e.g.

require the theano python library.

I spent an entire weekend figuring out how to install theano on a windows x64 machine and wanted to share the following quick installation steps:

Its really simple if you know how! (I found that the official documentation on is a bit overwhelming pointing to so many resources and alternatives. You often end up with misconfigured PATH variables or missing files or wrong compilers etc.)

The following is how it worked for me on a Windows 10 x64 Machine with Visual Studio 2015.

1) Download Anaconda for Windows x64 for Python 2.7 (Dont use the Python 3.5 it will not work!)


2) After anaconda installation open a command prompt and execute:

conda install mingw libpython

Confirm when it asks for updates!

3) Clone the theano project to your local machine from github. (I assume you know how github works if not check

git clone

4) Open a command prompt and navigate to the theano project folder and execute:

python install

Done! This has installed theano in your global python environment.

You can test your installation by creating a file with the following code line:

import theano

In a command prompt navigate to the folder containing the file and execute:



Btw. as far as I understand, further steps would be required to make theano use the GPU! The installation above would only use the CPU for calculations.


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