Month: April 2018

How to create a docker image with a node js express website, push it to azure container registration(ACR), create a linux web app for containers and configure it to run the docker image stored in the ACR.

  I just created a very simple node.js express web app and wanted to deploy it to azure.   Install Node.js and Docker for Windows. Create a Folder, navigate to it from a commandline and run npm Init. Then run npm install express –save to install the java script express framework Then create a app.js

R-Density Plot (Histrogram) for a Power BI Performance Baseline

install.packages(“ggplot2”) install.packages(“scales”) just drag the duration column of your dataset to the R-Chart Control in Power BI and add the following code into your R-Control: library(“ggplot2”) library(“scales”) ggplot(dataset)+ geom_histogram(binwidth=500,aes(x = duration/1000, y = ..ncount..)) + scale_y_continuous(labels = percent_format()) you can also try changing the binwidth and filter out very fast queries with a power BI